Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sweetpea Tuesday

It is Sweetpeag Tuesday again, and this week we had a suggestion from my friend Gina as to what the topic should be. Future goals, what are the things that they are thinking about doing when they are grown up. This one for Paige was an easy answer, there are only two things that she has ever really talked about doing or being when she grows up. One is an artist, actually that is the biggest one that she has ever talked about. Everything with Paige is about the art, art supplies, drawing for hours on end. Art...art...art...art...This past Christmas was listed as her best one because she got all things art. The other passion that Paige has is for animals, she would like to get into zoology. Paige would tell you that the only thing she really doesn't care for is the fact that it means more schooling. Okay, so it isn't so much the schooling, it is the having to take classes that she really doesn't care about. Her shorter term goal is to get some of her work in the county art show again this year. Her happiest day last year was getting her invitation for last years art show. The picture that she is holding is the one that was in the show.

This week since all kids seem to be feeling better, I should be able to stay on track with the posting. Although it seems like it is going to be a bit of a hectic crazy week even with all kids feeling well. I hope that everyone is having a good week.

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