Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can you do this?

P6172891, originally uploaded by torri_g.

Since I pointed out a family trait about the scowl the other day, I would really like to know where this came from. Who in the world ever heard of double jointed tongue to be able to do something like this? For the life of my I don't know how Binky Sue does this, but I'm sorry it is just not right!

We had one of our last test session with backgrounds, lighting and posing yesterday. Today is the last session of testing for portraits. Binky Sue and I learned a lot yesterday when we got to the point of looking at the pictures. There are several good poses, and some that we will not be trying again. I had some really good lighting, and then some that needed some work. Next week we will go for the final and see what we end up with for senior portraits. Don't worry, I have a back up number to call if this just doesn't work out. Either way it has been fun doing this, even when Binky Sue goes into total goof ball mode while I'm shooting pictures. However, the question still remains of who else can do this with their tongue?

I hope that everyone is having a good week, and that there is plenty of silliness going on.

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