Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hopping Around

Horse Lubber, originally uploaded by torri_g.

This is by far the coolest grass hopper I have ever seen! The fact that I was able to locate it in the tall grass the other day is nothing short of a miracle, and I tried to not torment it to much while getting it picked up and moved to a rock so I could get a better picture. If I hadn't moved it though we could have played a great game of find the grass hopper in the picture here on the blog.

Speaking about hopping around this post is going to take a big leap here now. Thursday are going to become my day to post about my stopping smoking journey. It has been years of trying and not being able to push through it. Last week however, Army Guy and I went to see the nurse for the smoking sensation class and as of yesterday we picked up the medicine to start this journey together. It is recommended to keep track of days because each packet holds seven days worth of pills. Since we are starting them this morning, looks like Thursdays will be the day. We have been put on Chantix and for the first 7 days we maintain with the smoking while the medicine builds up in our systems. Our basic quit date is set for next Friday. Basic quick date is the day that you want to try to put that pack of cigarettes down, but keep them handy for just in case. Since we both really want this for an number of reasons, I think this route with the medicine is going to be our best bet. So on Thursdays when the new packet of medicine is opened you are going to get to read updates about how it is going. It is going to be my way of keeping myself in check for this.

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a great Thursday, and see you back here tomorrow for Feline and Furball Friday.

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