Monday, May 11, 2009

Binky Sue & Scholarship night

Binky Sue, originally uploaded by torri_g.

Late posting tonight, but wanted to wait on Binky Sue and the scholarship night at the school. We knew about her grant to the local college and the value of $1,300 for the school year 2009-2010. Binky Sue spent several weeks filling out for several other scholarships in the months of March and April, and tonight we found out what she got. The Lions Club gave her a $1,000 scholarship. We have been invited to attended on of their meetings so that she can speak about her plans and goals, which we will be adding to the calendar for this month. Binky Sue tonight is very excited about the money she has received which will now pay for her full first year of college. One down...only how many more years to figure out? The class of 2009 here took in $3.1 million dollars worth of scholarships this year, which is something to be very proud of. Binky Sue is more than happy with her $2,300 and the comforting thought of having one year of higher education paid for.

I'm going to just go with the Mom thing here now and say that I'm so very proud of my Binky Sue. For a little girl who spent several years needing hours upon hours of special education because of a severe learning disability, who has dealt with not just bully peers but teachers who put her down and told her she couldn't. Guess what folks...she did and she will continue. Kind of feel a big "So there!" coming on right now. I'll admit that right now I'm also feeling the Mom wants to cry because I'm so proud of her thing. I'm not real sure just how much longer I'm going to be able to hold that one off. So let's just congratulate Binky Sue for her hard work, and determination.
I hope that everyone had a great Monday.

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