Friday, April 25, 2008

Poor worn out puppies

Did you know that having smaller younger children in the house could wear you out so very much? Trinity and Mia didn't, but boy did they figure it out very quickly with the Bee family visiting. Before anyone should happen to ask...yes poor Trinity is wearing a muzzle. Trinity is a very good dog, but like any animal she has moments where putting things smaller than herself in her mouth seems like a really good idea to her. Since we don't have smaller say little man baby bee...I made the choice to keep her in her muzzle when he was awake and moving around the house just to be safe. I really didn't want to see her pull a move like she does with the cats and Mia every now and then, and get it in her head that moving him by the neck was a good idea. That or think that he was some kind of new interesting chew toy to be played with. Mia found the baby to be way to scary with all of the noise that came from him, so she just stayed far away. Trinity on the other hand found him to be very interesting, and wanted to up close to inspect him at all points in time. When I was holding him was the worst for her though, because she seemed to think that he was hurting me or something and was very jealous about him getting to sit on my lap...because you know the only one that is supposed to do that is her of course. I was very proud of both of my puppies for dealing with the smaller bee children though. They did an awesome job of adjusting, and were both very kind and well behaved. I have never seen these two be so very tired and sleep so much as I did while the little kids were here. They even wore out Mia baby, and that is a huge thing to get done since she is only 10 months old. To make up for my fears and making Trinity wear the muzzle Trinity has come out of the whole visit more spoiled than before though, so no harm done to my Trinity dog.

It is Feline and Furball Friday time again! If you want to play along just post your own and leave a link in comments. I will once again come back later today to add the link over to Steve and Pickle. I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable week and that the weekend is filled with some great weather, and time spent with the animals and people that we love.

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