Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Siblings Sunday Return

The Siblings, originally uploaded by torri_g.

It has been a couple of weeks since I took time to do a sibling post, so here they are with their return. Of course getting all three of them to pose for a photo was the biggest issue on this lazy day Sunday, but a few well placed "Because I said so" and we have picture!

I will start with Little Bug in the middle. Of course now that she is taller than her older sisters, they think we need to come up with a new name for her. Anyway, Little Bug has been doing just fine and already has a count down going for her birthday in October. Oh wait...that count down started in July! This week she decided that she is going to be a part of the yearbook team and is very excited about working on that. I would comment on progress report for her but I have yet to really see any for her. Guess it is time for Mother to mention that I know they should have come out and that no matter what they are I really would like to see them.

Binky Sue has had an interesting couple of weeks here. She couldn't wait for official progress reports to come out so she got all of her grades and created her own for us with comments about just why each of her grades were what they were. Her grades were great by the way and still trying to figure out why she was in such a rush about getting them. Binky Sue has been really tired this week, and I'm thinking it is mental exhaustion that is going on for her. Binky Sue has two periods each day where she works with special needs students. It was her choice to do this, and something that she really wanted to do this year. Having been special needs herself and this being her final year she wanted to help other kids. At the start of the year this wasn't as difficult a job as it has turned into. The teachers quickly noticed that Binky Sue has a way of connecting on a level with a couple of the more sever special needs kids that no one else can. After talking to her and to me, Binky Sue wanted to do the one on one work with the students. What I have been seeing this week is that "In my own time" boy and "Fidget" girl have days of wearing my girl out mentally. Enough so that Binky Sue had one night this week of waking up at 3:00 AM and getting ready for school and trying to convince the rest of us that our clocks were all wrong, and all while still really being asleep herself. She wants to help these students so much, and when she thinks about the fact that they are both 19 and in their final year of school and she is helping them to learn how to write simple grocery lists, I think it overwhelms her a bit. "In my own time" boy took 30 minutes to write the word bread out the day of her sleep walking. "Fidget" girl would only stay on task if promised that Binky Sue would read "The Cat in the Hat" to her. Binky Sue wonders if everyone has done everything that they can for them, and wants to give them everything she can this year. She is however taking in different Dr. Seuss books because she really doesn't want to read "The Cat in the Hat" five more times this week. Thank goodness we have a huge collection of the books. Sweetpea is getting the most tender heart award for today. Her and Little Bug went out to the playground before dinner time tonight and she ended up protecting two little girls out there playing from being hurt worse. They were heading back home when Sweetpea realized that there were two older boys throwing rocks and hitting the little girls. She ran to cover the littlest one from the rocks being thrown at her head. She sent Little Bug running to the house for a parent, and kept both girls with her till I got over there. She helped me get them back to their own home. Once back home she fell apart about how mean children can be to one another. She would have loved to beat each of the boys that were doing it, but said that hitting them wouldn't be anymore right than what they had done. I'm proud of her for keeping the girls safe from further injury, one of the girls was punched and has a black eye. I'm proud of her for keeping calm until I got there, at which time was when she started crying. I'm proud of her for caring so very much about these very little girls that she wouldn't just go into our house like I asked her to while I took them to their home. She wanted to make sure that they were safe. I think she was a little upset about the fact that they were sent right back out to play after just a couple of minutes, and if she wasn't I was enough for both of us. It worked out well for her homework that is due tomorrow about free moral agency and free will, now if she could just find the examples of it in the book that she is reading.

Alright that is it for the return of the siblings. We hope that everyone has had a great weekend and that there is a good calm week ahead for all of us.

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