Thursday, October 18, 2007

Parker Canyon Lake

Yesterday Todd and I drove out to Parker Canyon Lake and enjoyed a morning of walking around. It is a trip that we usually make in August, right after the kids head back to school and he is burning up days of use or lose leave. Of course this year it was delayed for just a little bit longer, but actually was a perfect day to be out there walking the trail around the lake. Our weather has been very Arizona fall like in nature for most of the last week plus. So cool temps and lots of wind made for a perfect outing. The dragon flies were having tons of fun out at the lake, and easier to shot pictures of since they were trying to find warm places to sun themselves. This guy sat still for me even when I was moving the grass around to get a clear picture of him. I was thrilled about him sitting so still because I ended up getting close enough to be able to shot in macro setting and drop the zoom totally.

Todd found the ever elusive North American Bobber trees, which of course when you find them you must get pictures of them. What a great find for both of us to be able to see. There was also the bobber grave yard that he found down in one corner of the lake. We took a moment of silence for all of them giving their lives so bravely.

It was a perfect day out at the lake. The monsoon was very good this year and had the lake up higher than either of us have ever seen it in our time here. The winds yesterday had the water moving pretty good so it wasn't as clears as it usually is, but couple out on their kayak's seemed to be having a lot of fun out playing in the waves. After our walk we headed down to Big Nose Kate's in Tombstone for some lunch, and just in general had a wonderful day out together.

I hope that everyone has a great day today, and I'll be back tonight with Binky Sue's entry.

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