Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sibling Sunday...Busy days

It has been a fantastic weekend here in Arizona. Wonderful warm weather, lots of busy house work getting done, and a couple really great buys found while out shopping. I'm totally amazed that it is May, oh wait I'm totally amazed that we are nearing the half way point of 2008! The girls will start their final 14 days of school as of tomorrow. Which means that we are in the major stress zone for all of them as teachers lay on the final projects,and exams of the school year. They are not looking forward to the last days of school, but are all very happy that summer vacation is quickly approaching. We will be celebrating the next birthday for the house here in just 10 days, whether or he likes it or not. Since Saturday seems to have become date night for Binky Sue and Soccer boy, we invited them to spend the night in with us next Saturday for some homemade pizza and maybe some movies. Shopping was productive for me since I was able to find several colors of satin on the dollar table to use for backdrops. Oh and some bath stuff for when I finally take time to just sit and relax...thank goodness for long hot soaking in tub.

I'm going to ask everyone who read to keep our friends the Bee family in thoughts and prayers again this month. Last year I asked for the same thing as Little man Bee was due to be born and then underwent major back surgery for the spinabifada. This year Little man will be having surgery on his first birthday to lengthen the heel cord for one of his clubbed feet. Minor stuff really in the whole scheme of surgeries that he will have, but to a Mommy...nothing is that minor when it comes to her babies. So some prayers for peaceful thoughts for Mommy Bee would be wonderful right now. After they get back home from Shriners in Portland it will be tubes in ears for little man bee, but I will put a date up for that one once I know.

Okay, that is all there is for this Sunday. Hope with me that girls can deal with the final days of stress better than most years. I'm really not all that into being the one that takes the wrath of bad mood teens in this house. I hope that everyone has had a great weekend spent with those you love most, and that the coming week is a good one for all of us.

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