Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thinking Thursday...A journey to stop smoking

IMG_7068, originally uploaded by torri_g.

YAY ME! I'm right back at one full week of not smoking. Hmm...I feel as if I have been here before already. Oh yeah, I have been! I'm going to celebrate anyway because it was easier to get through this week one than it was the first week one. I've had less urges and thoughts about smoking this week than I did before last Wednesday. So maybe this is getting easier to do. I'm really happy with myself for not having the feeling of needing to give up on this journey. I'm happy that slowly but surely I'm learning new ways of dealing with stress feelings, urges, and the boredom feelings that used to mean time to smoke. So one week down again and the goal of hitting week two next Thursday and going even further this time. So there is still the lonely one cigarette sitting in the pack from a month ago, and the thought of throwing it away has crossed my mind a couple of times, but I'm not ready to do that yet. Maybe right now that is my security blanket, or just a way for me to visually remind myself of what I want to achieve.

So goal for the next week, just once again take it one day at a time and learn to deal with whatever gets thrown my way.

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