Monday, February 8, 2010

Boxes, boxes every where

image, originally uploaded by torri_g.

Between my cell phone camera and my laptop, I figured I could make one more post. The packers came in today and got everything that was left boxes up and ready to start loading on to the truck tomorrow. I'm hoping that they send a larger than two crew in hopes of getting not only the truck loaded, but delivered to the new place tomorrow. If not then it will be off to a hotel for the night and delivery of our stuff on Wednesday.
Today for the first time since the doctor told me last Thursday in the ER to take it easy, I did take it easy finally. Actually I spent a good share of the day bored but with very little space there was nothing that I could work on or do without getting in the way of the packers. Tomorrow will be more of the same I'm sure. This week is turning into a bunch of time and place conflicts and not sure how many more I'm going to be able to work out, but I'm hopeful that all will continue to work out.

Alright my brain is telling me it is time to get some sleep and I think for a change that I'm going to agree. I hope that everyone has a great week, and I'll be back again once we have gotten moved over to the new place and connected back up to the internet.

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